About us

Samantha Russo studied sociology, cultural anthropology and economy of the development at Rome University.
She has begun her activity in the world of the cultural events collaborating with the “Diaframma Kodak” and the “Admira”, organizing photography exhibition, like a preview of Sebastiao Salgado, with the l ‘ high sponsorship of ACNUR.
She built her experience in LUXURY travel with the collaboration, from 2006, with the 1° Kempinski hotel in Italy holding owner. She worked there like product manager, sales and marketing assistant manager, in the planning and organizing events (like event creator and assistant project manager) in the Sicily House holding tour operator.
The most important events with her collaboration or directly active planning and realization contribution are:
National preview of the photographic exhibition of Salgado with the high sponsorship of the ACNUR – December 1998
- Celebration of the nomination to apostolic Nunzio of S.E. Mons. Vito Rallo – October 2000
- 2° edition of the Sicily Fish fair – December 2007
- 1° International Rotary meeting – May 2008
- Porsche drive Tests in Sicily – june 2008
- Mediterranea Ten Years Celebration – August 2008
- 1° Publiepolis National Meeting – september 2008
- 1° edition “Europe and the Mediterranean cinemas meeting” in collaboration with RAI – December 2008
- 1° edition of “Charity Day: South for South” lunch of beneficence with chef the Filippo La Mantia – December 2008
In the beginning of 2009 she founds TRAVELMOODS.IT